Freedom of Information - HWHCT-338

Our ref: HWHCT-338

25 January 2023

FOI request:

1. For what symptoms would a transvaginal ultrasound be indicated?
2. Are there any groups of people a transvaginal ultrasound would not be carried out on? If so, why would they not be indicated?
3 Does trust policy indicate that it is allowed to carry out transvaginal ultrasounds on those who have never been sexually active before? If it is not allowed, what is the reasoning behind no sexual contact being a contraindication for these scans?
4. If transvaginal ultrasounds are not allowed in your trust for the 'sexually inactive', what is the justification for this going against the British Medical Ultrasound Society’s guidelines, which state: “The concept of virginity plays no part in the clinical decision making for a TVUS” and “if a patient has not had penetrative sex, they are still entitled to be offered, and to accept, a TVUS [transvaginal ultrasound] in the same way that cervical screening is offered to all eligible patients"? (
5. What does the Trust define as ‘sexual activity’?
6. Which members of staff in your trust perform transvaginal ultrasounds?
7. Have all of those staff members received diversity and inclusion training regarding their patient-facing roles? If so, please detail the nature of the course or programme and number of hours completed.

If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined, I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance.

Trust response:

1. Transvaginal scans are used in our abortion service when we are dating a pregnancy prior to abortion, this also is done to ensure there is a pregnancy within the uterus. The majority of our scans are abdominal scans but if the abdominal scan is not clear enough (i.e., the pregnancy is a very early gestation or the position of the uterus ) we may perform a transvaginal scan with consent. It may also be used post abortion if the patient is experiencing problems to look for retained products of conception.
We do not perform transvaginal scans for any other purpose within the sexual health service.
2. Trans Vaginal scans are only used within our Abortion services, as above.
3. We only complete Trans vaginal scans on those women who are pregnant to confirm a pregnancy or post abortion. We do not perform any within our sexual health clinics as there is no indication for this procedure.
4. N/A please refer to Question 1
5. Sexual health is an important area of public health. Most of the adult population of England are sexually active and access to good quality sexual health services improves the health and wellbeing of both individuals and populations. Sexual health, sexual practice or sexual behaviour is the manner in which humans experience and express their sexuality.
6. Transvaginal scans are performed by Nurses and Doctors within our service who have completed the relevant training.
7. Yes, all have completed the relevant Trust diversity and inclusion training.

Please be aware that although this information is accurate at the time it is provided, it may not be in the future and should not be relied upon.