Participation and volunteering

 Volunteering sign up icon Our Participation Partners, which include volunteers and patient representatives, are part of the team. They complement the work of our paid staff to help our patients, carers, visitors, and staff. They provide invaluable support and make a real difference to people’s lives. 

We are recruiting and welcome new volunteers to join our dedicated team. We can work with you to find the best role to suit your skills and amount of time you can spare. 

If you are interested, please contact us for a chat. Email or call Kate Richards on 07849 308546.


Image of a volunteer doing gardening within the Trust

Volunteering roles available

  Our volunteers work within a wide range of roles in both clinical and non-clinical areas. Whether you live in Herefordshire or Worcestershire, your time and support is welcomed.  

Our current volunteering roles include;

  • Visiting support for patients
  • Gardeners
  •   Refreshment Trolley volunteers within our wards
  •   Pets as Therapy volunteers

Our patient, carer and public boards and panels

  We also have a range of strategic opportunities including;

  •   Community Engagement Panel. A group of service users, carers and the public in Worcestershire. They give views and feedback on a range of topics and services.
  • Equality Advisory Group. The group look at areas and impacts that could be unfair for different people or groups. They explore Trust policies and services where groups of people could experience inequality.
  • Experts by Experience. A group of people who have used our mental health services in Herefordshire. This is either through their own use of those services, or through caring for someone that has. 
  • PLACE inspections. Patient led Assessors look at the environment within our inpatient sites. They access Trust locations throughout the two counties.
  • Youth Board. A group of young people aged 14-25 who live within Worcestershire. They ensure the services we provide are effective and accessible. 


Research and Development

Our Research Team explores a wide array of mental health conditions. This includes depression, psychosis, and bipolar disorder. They also do research in dementia, complex neurology, dietetics, and musculoskeletal conditions. Their mission is to give opportunities for patients, carers, and staff to take part.

Go to Research and development


Volunteer Newsletters


Getting Involved - July 2024.pdf[pdf] 870KB

Getting Involved and volunteering now - April 2024.pdf [pdf] 977KB

Getting involved newsletter - January 2023.docx [docx] 982KB

Getting Involved newsletter - April 2023.docx [docx] 2MB

Getting Involved newsletter - July 2023.docx [docx] 2MB 


Volunteer and Participation Policy

Participation and Volunteer Policy[pdf] 1MB



Frequently asked questions

 Image of lady gardening. She is wearing a Trust volunteer badge and smiling at the camera. How do I sign up? 

You will need to complete the Volunteering Registration Form. This will then be emailed to who will support you with the paperwork required.


How will volunteering help me?

Volunteering can help improve both your physical and mental health. It can improve wellbeing, increase happiness, reduce loneliness and ease depression. It can also support people going through life transitions. We can support further learning with a range of training opportunities.


Do I have to be a current patient/service user?

No. Many of our participation partners and volunteers aren’t current patients/service users.


What age do I have to be?

You would need to be over 16 to get involved or volunteer within most of our opportunities. But, we have a youth board for those aged 14-25, who want to get involved in developing services at a strategic level.


How much time do I need to give?

You can give as much time as you would like from 3 hours per month upwards. You can discuss with us what arrangement works for you and the role you are applying for.


Will I be paid? 

Most of our participation partners are not paid for their time. We do make sure you don’t lose out financially so will cover agreed expenses, such as travel or parking.

A small number of volunteers are offered payments if certain criteria is met within the role description. This includes certain strategic, decision-making roles that involve accountability and leadership. These roles are clearly identified and advertised to all participation partners when available.


Will I be trained?

Yes, we have a full induction and training process. There will be an induction to your specific role so that you are confident in what we are asking you to do.


Once I start how will I be kept in touch with?

 All participation partners will receive a newsletter via their email. This will include updates on news and opportunities across the Trust.

 You will be managed and supervised in the place where you volunteer.


How do you reward and recognise participation partners?

The Trust holds an annual Staff Awards night to celebrate it's staff.  This includes one category dedicated to Trust volunteers and participation partners.


What happens if I become unwell, or don’t want to continue with my role?

Please do not worry as we fully understand that this may happen. You can opt out of the programme at any point or take a break.


If you are interested, contact us for a chat at or call Kate Richards on 07849 308546.