Strategies and reports

The below folder hosts our latest strategies and reports.

If you require these in an alternative format or cannot find what you're looking for please contact the Communications Team.



Name Size/Type Description Date
Annual Report - Auditor's Report 2022-2023 739KB PDF Annual Report - Auditor's Report 2022-2023 17 Jul 2024
Annual Report - Auditors Report 2023-2024 567KB PDF Annual Report - Auditors Report 2023-2024 17 Jul 2024
Annual Report - Auditors Report 2021-2022 6434KB PDF Annual Report - Auditors Report 2021-2022 29 Jul 2022
Annual Report 2021 - 2022 18409KB PDF Annual Report 2021/2022 17 Oct 2022
Annual Report 2022 - 2023 4039KB PDF Annual Report 2022 - 2023 03 Oct 2023
Clinical Strategy 2022 - 2024 12394KB PDF Clinical Strategy 2022 - 2024 29 Jul 2022
Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Strategy 2024 271KB PDF Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Strategy 2024 29 Apr 2024
Green Strategy 2022 - 2025 4043KB PDF Green Strategy 2022 - 2025 13 Apr 2022
Inclusion Diversity and Equality Strategy 2018-2022 383KB DOCX Inclusion Diversity and Equality Strategy 2018-2022. This strategy is current under review, the 2023/24 update is due for publication in early 2024. 16 Nov 2023
People Strategy 3501KB PDF People Strategy 05 Jun 2023
Performance Report - Provider Self Certification 2022 1077KB DOCX Performance Report - Provider Self Certification 2022 29 Jul 2022
Quality Account 2021 - 2022 4339KB PDF Quality Account 2021 - 2022 29 Jul 2022
Quality Account 2022 - 2023 373KB PDF Quality Account 2022 - 2023 20 Jul 2023
Quality Account 2022 - 2023 725KB PDF Quality Account 2022 - 2023 03 Oct 2023
Quality Account 2023 - 2024 326KB PDF Quality Account 2023/24 19 Jul 2024
Risk Management Strategy 2024 - 2029 473KB PDF Risk Management Strategy 2024 - 2029 22 May 2024
Stakeholder Engagement Strategy March 2023 with EIA 6922KB PDF This framework builds on work we have undertaken over several years to embed and progress meaningful stakeholder engagement and true co-production. It sets out our ambitions for the next three years and how we will move forwards to develop partnerships with stakeholders that are characterised by early engagement and ongoing dialogue, through which we can co-create health, better meet the needs of the people we serve, and find solutions to the health challenges we face. 02 May 2024
Sustainable Development Management Plan 2434KB PDF Sustainable Development Management Plan 29 Jul 2022
Trust Strategy 2021 - 2024 5105KB PDF Trust Strategy 2021 - 2024 14 Oct 2022
Trust Strategy Summary 2021 - 2024 1813KB PDF Trust Strategy Summary 2021 - 2024 29 Jul 2022

Corporate Policies

The below folder hosts our policies and procedures.

If you require these in an alternative format or cannot find what you're looking for please contact the Communications Team.



Name Size/Type Description Date
Accessible Information Policy 801KB PDF AIS applies to patients, service users, carers, and parents (collectively known as the patient from here on in) who have communication and/or information support needs related to a disability, impairment, or sensory loss, this includes but is not limited to people who are blind, deaf, have a learning disability, aphasia, autism and/or a mental health condition which affects their ability to communicate. 01 Jun 2023
Carers Policy 504KB DOCX The Policy details the actions Trust staff will take to identify, support and involve carers 17 Jan 2023
Charitable Funds Policy and Procedure 845KB PDF This document sets out the procedure for the receipt, and disbursement of Charitable Funds within the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust Charitable Funds (the “Charity”). 19 Feb 2024
Complaints Policy 454KB DOCX Policy for receiving, investigating, responding to and learning from Complaints, PALS enquiries, and Professional Enquiries 26 Jul 2024
Counter Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy.pdf 853KB PDF All staff have a duty to report suspected fraud, bribery or corruption, and this policy sets out how any suspicions should be reported to protect the assets of the Trust. 28 Dec 2023
Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy 421KB PDF This Policy provides guidance on how the Trust and its staff can meet the legal obligations and best practice requirements concerning data protection and confidentiality 18 May 2023
Development and Management of Policies, Guidelines, Documentation and Standard Operating Procedures Policy 737KB PDF This policy sets out the standards for producing procedural documents such as policies and guidelines and the process for developing, ratifying, communicating, managing and reviewing procedural documents 17 Jan 2023
Disciplinary Policy HACW-01 1171KB PDF This policy outlines standards of conduct and behaviour for employees and disciplinary action guidance for managers. 05 May 2023
Duty of Candour and Being Open Policy 1493KB PDF This policy aims to guide staff in being open and the duty of candour for notifiable safety incidents. 13 Jan 2022
Emergency Preparedness Resilience and Response and Business Continuity Policy 2021-2024 505KB PDF To set out the Trusts position and commitment to Emergency Preparedness Resilience and Response and Business Continuity Systems 11 Apr 2023
Equality Act 2010 - Summary guidance on services, public functions and associations 339KB PDF This document highlights the legal information on equality, discrimination, and treatment for the Trust, staff, volunteers, and other entities within and outside the organisation. 24 Jan 2023
Equality Inclusion Policy 791KB PDF The purpose of this policy is to outline and communicate the Trust’s commitment to the promotion of equality, tackling of discrimination and advancing of equality of opportunities. 01 Jun 2023
Fit and Proper person policy 457KB PDF This policy highlights the necessary precautions and screening the Trust must do to ensure the person or people responsible for any role or responsibility are appropriate for the job. 05 Apr 2024
Freedom to Speak Up Policy 2024.pdf 500KB PDF This policy is for all staff. All NHS organisations and others providing NHS healthcare services in primary and secondary care in England are required to adopt this national policy as a minimum standard to help normalise speaking up for the benefit of patients and workers. Its aim is to ensure all matters raised are captured and considered appropriately. 02 Feb 2024
Guide to Equality Act (easy-read version) 1343KB PDF This document provides an easy-read or accessible version of the Equality Act 2010 24 Jan 2023
Guidelines - Transgender Staff.docx 383KB DOCX Guidelines - Transgender Staff.docx 21 Sep 2021
Handling of Claims Policy 289KB PDF This policy explains how claims against the Trust (injury, financial, or other) should be handled. It describes the risk pooling schemes that have been created by the NHSLA that the Trust contributes to. It lists the external agencies that the Trust relates to. 04 Jul 2024
Information Governance Policy 1647KB DOCX This policy provides assurance that personal information is dealt with legally, securely, efficiently and effectively, in order to deliver the best possible high quality patient care 03 Apr 2023
Interpreting and Translation Policy 1640KB PDF To provide clear and consistent guidance to ensure effective, accessible communication, safe support, and care of those who use Trust Services. To reduce barriers that may be faced by people whose first language is not English or who have a disability, impairment, or sensory loss (e.g., hearing, sight or learning difficulties) 01 Jun 2023
Involving Participation Partners in Recruitment 979KB PDF The involvement of ‘participation partners’ in recruitment and selection activity benefits both those who use services and the Trust. Participation partners offer an invaluable perspective in recruitment and selection on the relationship between staff and those who use services. 01 Mar 2024
Learning from deaths policy: mortality review process and procedures 609KB DOCX This policy sets out how Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust learns from the deaths of patients in our care; it describes the systems and processes we use to present a clear framework for patients and carers, staff and our partner organisations. The implementation of this policy will enhance learning from deaths at an individual, team, organisational and cross-organisational level. 01 Jun 2023
Managing Conflicts of Interest in the NHS 399KB PDF This policy will help to ensure that we use NHS money wisely, providing best value for taxpayers and accountability to our patients for the decisions we take. 08 Jul 2024
Obtaining Legal Advice 190KB PDF Procedure for obtaining legal advice Staff are able to access legal advice on Trust issues as and when required, including out of hours for emergency situations. 04 Jul 2024
Overpayment Policy 565KB PDF The purpose of this policy is to ensure there is a consistent approach to overpayments and to ensure that errors are promptly identified repaid appropriately. 28 Dec 2023
Participation and Volunteer Policy 1100KB PDF To provide clarity, to staff and those involved in the work of the Trust, around volunteering and participation in terms of principles, responsibilities, and duties 24 Jul 2024
Patients Property and Money Policy.pdf 238KB PDF From time to time the Trust will have responsibility for property belonging to patients as they enter and leave the care of the Trust. There is both risk and responsibility in such circumstances and this policy seeks to address those issues. 24 Jan 2023
Petty cash procedure 223KB PDF This procedure note sets out a framework to cover the use of Petty Cash floats throughout the Trust, establishing the aims and identifying the parameters within which the Trust will manage the risks associated with this activity. It is consistent with and sets out the method of delivering the Trust’s Standing Financial Instructions 24 Jan 2023
Quality Governance Policy 408KB PDF This policy outlines the framework for the continued implementation of the assurance processes and systems for quality governance 06 Jun 2023
Quality Impact Assessments policy 189KB DOCX This policy aims to ensure the Trust has appropriate steps in place to safeguard quality whilst delivering necessary changes to clinical services. 17 Jan 2023
Stakeholder Engagement Strategy March 2023 with EIA 6922KB PDF The approach outlined here is built around communities, voluntary groups and organisations, forums, networks, social media, and any other place where people come together as a community and will provide clear and timely feedback to stakeholders about the impact of their involvement. 01 Mar 2024
Stakeholder Engagement Strategy March 2023 with EIA 6922KB PDF This framework builds on work we have undertaken over several years to embed and progress meaningful stakeholder engagement and true co-production. It sets out our ambitions for the next three years and how we will move forwards to develop partnerships with stakeholders that are characterised by early engagement and ongoing dialogue, through which we can co-create health, better meet the needs of the people we serve, and find solutions to the health challenges we face. 02 May 2024