Freedom of Information - HACW-2767

FOI request:

We are currently updating data on your trust’s Patient Administration System (PAS) system. Can you please complete the fields below with what you currently hold?

Please enter 'No System Installed' under supplier name if your trust does not use the system:

  1. System type - Patient Administration System
  2. Supplier name
  3. System name -
  4. Date installed -
  5. Contract expiration -
  6. Total value of contract (£) –
  7. Is this contract annually renewed? - Yes/No
  8. Do you currently have plans to replace this system? - Yes/No
  9. Procurement framework -
  10. Other systems it integrates with?  -
  11. Notes - e.g. we are currently out to tender

Trust response:

  1. Patient Administration System
  2. Advanced
  3. Carenotes
  4. April 2014
  5. April 2024
  6. Section 21 - Information accessible to applicant by other means.  This information is already published on our website and is considered exempt from disclosure under section 21(1) of the Freedom of Information Act, as it is reasonably accessible to you by other means.  This information is available on the Trust contracts register on the Trust website which can be accessed via the following link: (What we spend and how we spend it)
  7. No (has been extended to April 2024)
  8. No
  9. See question 6 response
  10. / 11. N/A.

Please be aware that although this information is accurate at the time it is provided, it may not be in the future and should not be relied upon.