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Eating Disorder Outpatient Therapy Service (Worcestershire)
We are a countywide service for anyone experiencing eating difficulties that are impacting on their physical and mental health. We offer assessment and interventions based upon individual need. Our teams are based across 5 sites within the Worcestershire area, Malvern, Evesham, Worcester, Redditch and Kidderminster.
About the service
About eating disorders
Eating Disorders can affect anyone of any age, gender, or background and are a serious Mental health illness. Our team understands the complex nature and difficulties of living with an eating disorder, and we are committed to delivering individualised care to help people make sense of these whilst working towards their health and wellbeing.
We appreciate that this can also be difficult for carers, hence, we offer carer screening, support, and signpost to other relevant services where needed.
We are an outpatient therapy service made up of a Clinical Lead, Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP), Nurse Therapists, Dietitian, and Psychologist.
Unfortunately we're unable to accept self-referrals. If you are worried you may have an eating disorder, please speak to your GP or any other healthcare professional you're being supported by.
Professional referrals:
Referrals are accepted for individuals who are aged 17 and half years (17 years and 6 months) and above who have symptoms of:
Anorexia nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder (currently Community Transformation Project area only: Malvern Town, Kidderminster, 'the rurals' areas)
Bulimia Nervosa
Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders (OSFED)
Severe and Enduring Eating Disorder (SEED)
Referrals are accepted from health and social care professionals via Single Point of Access (SPA): or Tel: 01905 68147
Please include the following details in the referral:
- Eating disorder symptoms - i.e., restriction, bingeing, vomiting, laxatives, and excessive levels of physical activity/exercise
- Physical health checks - weight, height, BMI (we need this information to process the referral)
- Results of any physical observations and blood tests
- Rate of weight change over last 6 months (if known)
- Medical and psychiatric history
- Any known risk factors (self-harming behaviours, safeguarding risk involving self or others)
Urgent Referrals:
We do not accept urgent referrals, as the team is an Outpatient Therapy Service. Where there is a requirement for urgent mental health care, a referral will need to be made either via Crisis or CARS.
As a service we work collaboratively with GPs and other healthcare professionals involved in your care.
We are happy to discuss potential referrals or cases of concern with you. For this, please contact us on: 01527 488840.
Below are some of the most common symptoms of an eating disorder, but they can vary for each individual.
Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa
- Restricting dietary intake well below what is needed to maintain health
- Change of behaviour around food
- Losing weight
- Morbid fear of weight gain
- Distorted perception of weight and shape
- Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa
- Restricting dietary intake and then eating larger amounts of food (bingeing) and vomiting after eating or using laxatives
- Feeling out of control around food
- Normal weight
Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder
- Loss of control around food
- Eating large quantities at a time
Symptoms of Other Specified Feeding and Eating Difficulties (OSFED)
- If you have been diagnosed with an 'Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder' (called 'OSFED' for short), it means you don't have all the typical symptoms of any of the main types of Eating Disorder. It could be because you have a mix of signs or symptoms of different Eating Disorders.
This does not mean your condition is less serious. NICE (2017).
Address: Main Office, Adult Eating Disorders, Hillcrest, Quinneys Lane, Redditch, B98 7WG
Service hours: 09:00 – 17:00 Monday – Friday
Telephone: 01527 488840
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
1. Will everything I say be kept confidential?
Information is shared within our team and your GP and where required, with other professionals involved in your care.
On the few occasions that we need to discuss information of concern outside of the professionals above, we will discuss this with you.
2. Can my family and friends who care for me get help?
Our team aims to provide support for your relatives and friends where required.
We provide a carer’s screen assessment and provide support. As a team we refer/signpost to Worcestershire Carers Association, who can complete a more formal Carers Assessment. This helps to identify the Carer’s needs so that appropriate support can be accessed.
3. What if I need to be admitted to an inpatient unit for Specialist Eating Disorder interventions?
We currently do not have Specialist Eating Disorders inpatient beds within Worcestershire.
As a team, we work closely with Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, hence forming a “Collaborative Partnership“ with ourselves and other Eating Disorder Specialists within the West Midlands area. They are able to help us identify specialist beds that can be accessed locally.
We endeavour to keep you as close to home as possible.
4. What do I do if I need help out of hours?
The Eating Disorders Outpatient Therapy Service is Monday to Friday 09:00 -17:00 service, if you are experiencing deterioration with your mental health or eating disorder outside of these hours, please contact one of these as appropriate:
- Your GP, or Out of hours GP
- NHS 111 online or call 111
- Crisis Mental Health Team at 0808 196 9127 - offering 24 hour service, 7 days a week within Worcestershire
- In an emergency please call 999
5. What do I do if I need an interpreter?
The team will arrange an interpreter for consultations as required.
Links and resources
- BEAT – Eating disorders charity that offers a range of resources and support for people and carers living with eating disorders.
- BEAT — support for carers
- West Midlands adult eating disorders provider collaborative
- First episode Rapid Early intervention for Eating Disorders (FREED) - Worried about eating, weight, shape or someone else? The best way forward is to get help and support early, you are not alone.
- FEAST - Global support and information for carers of children with eating disorders
Downloadable and print service leaflets
Video resources