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New Opportunities Worcestershire

  • New Opportunities Worcestershire (NOW) is a countywide NHS service, that helps clients in their mental health recovery, through engagement in a range of meaningful activities. NOW offers small groups and greater support to improve social skills, self-confidence, self-esteem, motivation and concentration. Outreach locations throughout Worcestershire

  • Base: New Brook
  • Address: Princess of Wales Community Hospital,  Stourbridge Road, Bromsgrove, B61 0BB
  • Service hours: Office Tel: 01527 488715 Monday – Friday 8.30-4.30

About the service

What support can the NOW service offer?

  • The emphasis of the groups is on social engagement and development, to increase confidence, self-esteem and enjoyment.
  • Small groups take part within a range of activities, supported by specialist instructors, trained in their activity and have Mental Health Training.
  • Regular assessment and goal setting is undertaken throughout their placement.
  • Peer Support Workers, who can offer one to one support for a limited period of time to encourage attendance and engagement, help with travel training etc.
  • Opportunity for social events and trips to help develop social skills with other clients and the staff team
  • We work closely with VCSE, Reablement, and Employment services to enable a seamless move to their identified goals.

New Opportunities is a partner Herefordshire and Worcestershire Wellbeing and Recovery College. The college aims to give people the tools, skills and understanding that they need to drive forward their own wellbeing and recovery journey whilst breaking down the stigmas relating to mental health. Offering a wide range of courses and workshops designed to take each individual on a journey, however short or long, to find not only new skills, but the knowledge and understanding of what health and wellbeing and recovery means to them.